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Freedom Drone Sports™ is creating the future of drone racing through Freedom Class™ racing and the Freedom 500 Series™. We are working with key partners on a holistic approach to drone racing and technology, to develop a sustainable sport for the future.

Freedom Drone Sports™ is a privately-held company, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with offices in Adelaide, Gold Coast and Spain.

© 20016 - 2017 by Freedom Drone Sports™ All rights reserved.

Freedom Drone Sports™, Freedom Class, Freedom 500 Series names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freedom Drone Sports™.

Freedom Drone Sports™ press kits, and the materials contained within, may only be used for press purposes. All copyrights belong to Freedom Drone Sports™, which reserves the right to revoke permission to use the materials at any time. Commercial or promotional use, and/or electronic manipulation of the materials, is prohibited.